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1 search results for Trema orientalis in .
No.Vernacular NamesTaxonHandbook VolumeThumbnail PreviewLink
1Charcoal tree, Indian charcoal tree (En). Indonesia: anggerung (Javanese), kuray (Sundanese), lenggung (Bali). Malaysia: menarong, mengkirai (Peninsular Malaysia), randagong (Sabah). Philippines: anabiong (Tagalog), pitidan (Igorot), anadgong (Bisaya). Cambodia: srĂ´:l. Laos: po: hu:. Thailand: po-haek (northern), takhai (central), pa-dang (Karen). Vietnam: hu dai, hu l[as] nh[or].Trema orientalis11: Auxiliary plantsTrema orientalis (L.) Blume - 1, flowering branch [female]; 2, female flower; 3, male flower; 4, sepal and stamen; 5, fruit
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